Sunday, October 26, 2008

Searchin' for clues around the family farm!

A beautiful, fall day. A hotdog roast in a field that overlooks the farm. Family, lots of family. Laughter. Great food. After everyone enjoyed lunch, we all piled on a hayride, mules, kaboda's & rangers. My Dad had planned a special surprise for all of us! He handed us a piece of paper with our first clue of where to go. Clue #1 stated "by 3 poles". Up the power line we went, finding clue #2 at the top, on a pole. Clue # 2 stated "head to the north forty (meaning 40 acre field on the Red Rock Rd...I didn't know this on my own...had help...I probably would have turned my body north and took 40 steps), find the haybale for further instructions". Not only was this a ton of fun, this farm girl learned some things that I never knew about our homestead. Also, it was neat to revisit places that we played as children, and to hear stories from others, on some of their favorite memories of the farm. A total set of 12 clues had us covering just about every inch of the farm. The last clue led us to CHOCOLATE & WINE! Chocolate for the kids, and wine for the adults! This will be my last free weekend for awhile, as clinicals start back up next weekend. I feel "rejuvinated" after this weekend...I think I'm ready to take on my last round of clinicals...bring em' on!

where, oh where could this be....

more clues.....

My Dad gave "hints" on all of the clues..believe me, I would still be
in the woods if iIwould have had to figure this out on my own!
This picture (above) is going to make me smile all week long!
My Aunt Maryann figures out where the next clue is!
Love this picture!

I was amazed at the thought that my Dad put into this fun event - it was definetly enjoyed by everyone! Thanks Dad!
Our last clue led us to a big basket of candy, and a couple nice bottles of wine.
Happy kids...Happy adults!
Great Job Dad!

One tired little Anna after a long day of looking for clues....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Karen, for your incentive in creating an awesome "Back To Our Roots" day. We made alot of new memories and passed on alot of old memories to our younger generation.
I could feel Sandy's presence with us all was the stuff she thrived on!
What a great day! I needed that!!