Saturday, October 4, 2008

What a game!!

How about those Black Knights!! It sure was cold, but the football game was great! Ending score, Towanda 40, Wellsboro 12.
Friday was "spirit day" at school. Madison had wanted to take cookies and I told her that I would bake some once I got home from class Thursday night. Arrived how at 9:45 and realized I had one stick of butter and about a half a cup of flour. She was more than happy to settle for Dunkin Donut "smidgens" for her class, but I got a blaze of energy Friday morning, and was at P&C by 5:30 picking up some "break & bake" sugar cookies, as well as some black & orange icing. Threw them in the oven by 6:15..Even though it was quite a slop job, she had her "spirit" cookies and all was well! Even found time to have them pose for a few pictures before their busy day got started.

Up at 4:00 and out the door by 4:45. with coffee in hand. I chose to not pre-assign for my patient information on Friday, (would have missed the game). so I needed to get to the hospital early enough to get all of my patient info, collect all the lab studies, and review the meds. I spent my day with a six week old baby that was having some respiratory distress. I got to give 1:1 care, all day long, to this little precious. Back in Wysox by 4:30. Picked Madison up from the kitchen of the Wysox Fire Hall, where she had been helping her Gram Abbott. Came home to find Jay mowing the yard, which put me in the mood to clean out the gardens....two hours later, all beds are free of dried up flowers & weeds. Decorated the front with some cornstalks & pumpkins..Welcome Fall!
I get to sleep in until 5:00 tomorrow morning! I'm anticipating my clinical day, tomorrow, as I will be surrounded by an island of babies, (I'm working in the nursery)..I hear the number is up to 22!

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