Saturday, September 20, 2008

Football, a great way to destress!

The boys lost their first game of the season today. A hard fight right to the end 33-28. Note the score board picture at the top Towanda- 11 minutes, 48 seconds left in the 4th quarter and the score is 21-21. Towanda then preceded to be ahead of the game most of the time, but Canton surprised them a bit. It was one of those games where the yellow flags seemed to be raining from the sky, and almost always against Towanda.
Logan (71) had a nice sack in the last 3 minutes of the game. It didn't take the other team long to realize that they needed to to some double-teaming on Logan.
I really needed a day like today - fresh air, sunshine and not thinking about what I should have been doing. My clinical instructor was fine with me taking the day off. I will be on the maternity unit by 6:15 tomorrow morning, (going up earlier, to get some extra paperwork done).
Madison and I spent some time shopping for "organizational" items last night. We bought a magnetic white board for the refrigerator, some white index cards for spelling & vocab words, and some new desk supplies. This past week was tough for her, as well as myself. I would like to think I am organized, but the fact of the matter is..I'm not. My sister got that gene! Madison and I are going to both work on these skills, together.
After the game, we had a nice dinner at Jay's parents. Logan has gone fishing with his two best buddies that played by his side. Madison is spending the night with Emily. It's 8:45, and I'm heading to bed. That alarm will be ringing before I know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are going to be so happy with your wet/dry board. If you want to be super-organized buy yourself a red marker, write the most important tasks for the week in red, and the "not at the top of my list, but gotta get it done" in black (Madison's science red, pick Logan up from black). You will get such a feeling of accomplishment as you wipe that board clean each week!